Some factors to consider when selecting your destination include:
- budget
- travel time & distance
- specific opportunities either in or en route to your destination city (performances, clinics, festivals, workshops, etc.)
- weather / time of year.
BUDGET – It is important that you have a good knowledge of the financial situation of your school community. For example, if your school is primarily in a blue collar neighborhood and a trip will be a financial stretch for many of your families, plan accordingly. The trips should provide an opportunity for all to travel and one should be careful not to make it an elitist affair, where only students from the ‘better off’ families can participate.
Three or four days in New York City would be great, but as one of the most expensive domestic destinations, your students could receive a similar “big-city” experience by traveling to someplace less expensive such as Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, or Washington, to name a few. They may not be the “Big Apple,” but they may come at a more affordable cost.
TRAVEL TIME – If Boston is 9 hours away by bus, and you can only go for a three day weekend, do you really want to spend two of your three days on the road? Probably not, so it is better to select a destination that is more conveniently located.
TIME OF YEAR – Winter weather can bring havoc to your plans, so if you have snow and school is canceled the first day of your trip, chances are, your administration will not let you depart. It may be best to schedule your trip when the weather will be more favorable. Regardless, be sure to ask your travel professional about their weather policy and how they handle a severe weather situation when it occurs.
Another example would be if you really want to go to America’s #1 amusement park for roller coasters, Cedar Point, in Sandusky, Ohio. If that’s the case, you’ll need to be able to travel in May or later, for the park does not typically open until the 2nd weekend in May.
These are just some examples of the many items that must be considered as you begin selecting your destination.