Benefits of Student Youth Travel

Benefits of Student Travel

We must accept there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to education. We all think in different ways, which allows us to interpret experiences independently and create our own unique perspectives. Experiencing something first hand, like while traveling, is an extremely beneficial way to learn and grow. 

Studies continuously point to positive, individual growth in youth after traveling. Let’s go over some highlights of recent student youth travel research.

What exactly are the benefits to student youth travel? Teach&Travel has identified a few:

  • Promotes independence
  • Teaches cultural awareness
  • Improves academic performance 
  • Improves critical thinking
  • Builds trust
  • Creates lifelong memories

Teach & Travel is sponsored by the Student & Youth Travel Association (SYTA), whose mission is to provide life-enhancing travel experiences for students and to establish quality and safety standards for travel providers.

Zoni Language Centers’ VP of Administration, Taylor Ruiz, stated “place-based learning during travel leads to increased content-area knowledge, making subjects more engaging and memorable.” Combining the students’ interests with place-based learning only makes the experience more memorable, such as adding band or theater workshops to an already exciting trip. 

It’s important to understand there are Social-Emotional benefits as well as Socioeconomic benefits to student youth travel. Developing teamwork skills and cultural competences are just as important as graduation rates and success in adulthood. “Adults who participated in educational travel between ages 12-18 have shown greater success in terms of education and income. They earn a median income $5,000 higher or 12% more annually than non-travelers (“Travel Improves…,” 2013).”

According to a 2019 post-tour student survey from EF Educational Tours:

  • 93% of student travelers said their tour expanded their knowledge of the world
  • 89% of travelers said they understand more about new people, places and cultures
  • 88% of travelers said they grew more confident and independent
  • 92% of travelers said they discovered more about themselves as a result of their tour”

The benefits of student youth travel are evident. Having positive, memorable experiences during the most formative years has life-long benefits for the student, which then creates a well-rounded adult. At CCIS, our passion is creating life-long growth through travel experiences. We understand the benefits of student travel and believe it is imperative to our collective future. We also believe it’s never too late to start traveling!

Benefits of Student Youth Travel